High Class Charlatany!
Clown, physical theatre, comedy magic, juggling, transformism and eccentric acrobatics.
They say there will be a package! But not some simple Paccottiglia (junk). A show lacking in seriousness set in a parody of the circus world. Starring Frank Duro & Gustavo Leumann, two authentic rogues. With every entrance into the ring, with every attempt to set up up for their show, with every action and look they each try to solicit applause and become the centre of attention.
They are a circus without a tent built by their own two hands and carried upon their shoulders where they attempt to outdo each other with their ridiculous attempts at entertainment, prevaricating the other with a challenge of rains of popcorn, eccentric acrobatics, improbable animals, indomitable plastic bags and wigs. Physical theatre and non verbal comedy in its pure state in a show without speech put together to create a spectacle that is certain to be the talk of the town.
Hall of shame
Our best prize blags.